2/12/2024 - BAARC Board Member Spotlight Series: Carolyn Parodi

Q: Why did you decide to get involved with BAARC?

A: I had heard about BAARC’s work supporting our community and those struck by hard times and admired it’s focus. I knew of a woman early in my career whose husband died suddenly and she needed some financial support immediately – BAARC stepped in and helped her through an incredibly tough time.

Q: What role do you have at BAARC?

A: I’ve been on the BAARC board for about 4 years now – I initially reached out to help with the Mentorship program and quickly was lured in by Kelly Burke to manage the program overall. Along with our other Mentorship leads, I help lead everything from recruiting mentors and mentees, program content development, program execution and communication. 

Q: Favorite moments/thing you're most proud of while serving on the board?

A: I'm proud of how we’ve evolved our outreach to move beyond the Mentorship Program. We've added our Lunch and Learns to help those new industry members become aware and understand career paths/opportunities as well as share new program content such as our interviewing prep.

Q: If you could share any type of advice with your younger self, what would it be? 

A: Get involved and be proud of what you bring to the table – look around at what you can do within or outside your company that supports what you care about and lean in!